October 21, 2021
As we enter the last quarter of 2021, the team at TransTech is beyond excited for the future of our organization. With the full support of our founder, Angelica Ross, and our Community Advisory Board I officially accepted the position of Interim Executive Director on October 8th. Although my transition has only begun, we have already made some amazing progress toward our organization’s goals and programming.
As a member of TransTech since May 2017, I know first-hand the power of our network and our membership. Working on and presenting at the first TransTech summit allowed me to see the vision that Ms. Ross had for this organization and to create a relationship with the teams working to bring it to fruition. My experience as a member of TransTech truly changed the trajectory of my career and my life. Through volunteer work in design and social media, I have been able to continue supporting the mission of TransTech over these years. This work has come with great dedication and admiration for all that our organization has accomplished.
In October 2020, when I was asked to join the Community Advisory Board (CAB) I knew that the opportunity would allow me to use my experience in corporate alongside my independent work with non-profit organizations and fortune-500 companies. With our focus on continuing to empower, educate, and employ – our CAB, along with myself, are excited to build and restore our programming and membership engagement.
It is not lost on us that TransTech is successful because it is a community of over 1,500 committed members globally, 6 dedicated board members, and gracious donors. Over the years engagement with our membership has aligned mostly with our TransTech Summit and big announcements. However, as of November 1, 2021, we will be onboarding our first Program Coordinator, Mataoe Aiden James Nevils. They will be working alongside myself and our CAB to connect with our membership and create programming that is relevant, engaging, and diverse. These last few months of 2021 are going to be pivotal for our organization and I truly look forward to sharing these high points with all of you.
As many of you may already know, the TransTech Social Enterprises Leadership team has decided to postpone our 2021 TransTech Summit. It was originally scheduled for November 2021. However, to prioritize the capacity of our team and the needs of the community we have rescheduled the workshop to March 31, 2022-April 3, 2022. Our teams are looking forward to bringing in National Trans Day of Visibility with every member of the TransTech family and making this the best summit experience to date!
With the help of our Program Coordinator, we will also be revamping the G.R.O.W. with TransTech virtual programming. Our last session was in March 2020 and we are excited to see the skills and development that Mataoe has in store. Additionally, TransTech will be providing access to a few members to the LinkedIn Learning Library. This opportunity will give our members access to over 16,000+ online courses taught by real-world professionals. In an effort to reach one of the most marginalized groups within our community, we will be prioritizing access for our member that have engaged in sex work within the last 12-24 months.
With the diligent work from myself, our Program Coordinator, our CAB, and all our volunteers TransTech is well positioned and will continue to build upon the legacy that Ms. Ross has put into place. We will aim to build our membership, execute high-level programming, and continue our efforts to employ our community. I look forward to, with great anticipation, all that we will accomplish in the years ahead and genuinely appreciate your patience during these transitions. TransTech is all that it is because of you!
In Solidarity,
E.C. Pizarro III
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